This Privacy Policy explains how NA CORPORATION LIMITED ("NA CORPORATION" or "we") collects, uses, and shares your personal information while you play NA CORPORATION's games ("Games") and/or use NA CORPORATION's websites that link to this Privacy Policy ("Websites").

What kind of personal information does NA CORPORATION collect?

We aim to minimize how much personal information we collect from users when they play the Games or use the Websites. Most of our data collection is limited to the following types of data, which do not identify you personally but may uniquely identify the device you are using to play to the Games or use the Websites ("Device"). We also collect the personal information that you voluntarily provide to us (e.g. email addresses you give us to subscribe to our newsletters). In some countries, this type of data may be considered as personal information:

  • "Advertising ID", which means the resettable and unique identifier associated with your mobile phone or tablet that is used by advertisers for ad tracking.
  • "Location Information", which means general information about the location from which you're playing the Games or using the Websites (e.g. IP address, country, and/or city).
  • "Device Information", which means technical information about your Device. When we refer to Device Information, this means your Device ID, your operating system and operating system version, network information, the brand and manufacturer of your Device, the language you've set for your Device, the version of the Game installed on your Device.
Do third parties have access to my personal information?

Yes. Like most companies, we use tools from service providers to help us with various parts of our business ("Service Providers"), and depending on the service we need, these Service Providers may have access to your personal information. We share information about you in the limited circumstances spelled out below and with appropriate safeguards on your privacy:

  • We may share your information with third-party vendors, consultants and service providers who are working on our behalf and need access to your information to carry out their work for us;
  • We may share your information when we believe it is necessary or appropriate to (i) comply with applicable law or legal process or to respond to lawful requests or legal authorities; (ii) protect the rights and property of NA CORPORATION; and (iii) protect the safety of NA CORPORATION, our users or any third party.
How we use your information

We use the information we collect about you and your device, including personal information, for the following legitimate business purposes:

  • To improve, operate, manage, and provide you with the Games and/or Websites;
  • To perform services requested by you, such as to respond to your support requests;
  • To perform analytics;
  • To showing targeted ads.
How is my personal information used for analytics? As an online business, it is important for us to know how users interact with our Websites and Games. We and our Service Providers will collect your Location Information, Device Information, and Advertising IDs so that we can deliver our Game and Website services to our users, measure, analyze, and improve performance of the Games and Websites, and to continually update and develop our Games and Websites. For example, we will use this information to assess the difficulty level of Games, fix any bugs or errors in the Games, evaluate the demographic of our users, and to determine whether or not we need to support a new Device type for the Games.

How is my personal information used for advertising? In order to show you ads that you might interesting and/or relevant ("Targeted Ads"), Ad Partners collect and use your Advertising ID, Location Information, and Device Information. If location services are enabled in your Device settings, the Ad Partners may additionally collect your geolocation information.

If you do not want to receive Targeted Ads on your mobile Device, your mobile Device may give you the option to opt-out of receiving Targeted Ads on all apps on your Device. On Android Devices, you may opt-out by enabling the "Opt out of Ads Personalization" setting. On iOS Devices, you may opt-out by enabling the "Limit Ad Tracking" setting. In addition, you may be able to opt-out of receiving Targeted Ads from a specific Ad Partner. Please review our Ad Partner list found here to see if an Ad Partner offers the ability to opt-out of receiving Targeted Ads. Please note that if you opt-out of receiving Targeted Ads, you will still receive contextual ads, which are non-targeted ads related to the content of the Game you are playing.

In addition to running ads in our Games, we also run ads to promote our Games in third-party websites and/or apps. When we run our own ads in third-party websites and/or apps, Service Providers help us optimize and measure performance of our ads and use their own tracking technologies to track Game installs and clicks and/or impressions of our ads. In some cases, we will share your hashed or anonymized Advertising ID with our Ad Partners so that the Ad Partner can help us market and promote our Games. In these cases, Ad Partners perform as NA CORPORATION's Service Providers and we contractually require such Ad Partners to only use your personal information on our behalf.

How long will NA CORPORATION keep my personal information?

Your personal information is stored as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Children's personal information

We do not knowingly collect children's personal information without parental consent, except as permitted under applicable laws such as the U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For example, NA CORPORATION, its Service Providers, and its Ad Partners may collect personal information, such as IP addresses, e-mail and other persistent identifiers, from children under 16 strictly to support NA CORPORATION's internal operations and/or legitimate interests, such as analytics and to serve children with contextual ads. If you are a parent of a child playing the Games or using the Websites, you may review or have your child's personal information deleted and refuse the further collection of his/her personal information by contacting us at Please contact us at if you believe we are collecting a child's personal information in violation of COPPA or the GDPR and we will delete this information as quickly as possible.

NA CORPORATION will retain your child's information for as long as your child's account is active, or as needed to provide services. If you wish to cancel your child's account or request that NA CORPORATION no longer use the information to provide services, contact NA CORPORATION at the email address listed above. NA CORPORATION will retain and use the information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements. If your child uses our support e-mail to contact us, we will delete their email address immediately after responding to their request.

Use of Cookies

Like most online services, NA CORPORATION uses cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize the Services, analyze usage and prevent fraud. You have the right to disable cookies in the settings of the browser or a device, but NA CORPORATION does not guarantee and is not responsible for incorrect operation of some Services in such a case.


The security of your personal information is important to us. While no online service is 100% secure, we work very hard to protect information about you against unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction, and take reasonable measures to do so, such as monitoring our Services for potential vulnerabilities and attacks. This also includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that all of your information is disclosed only on a "need to know" basis and ensuring that all information collected by NA CORPORATION is done via secured connections and protected and encrypted (using secure socket layer technology, "SSL") by industrial grade security software to guard against unauthorized access.

How do I access, manage, or update my personal information?

If you want to update, delete or access your personal information please contact us at

For EU users

Personal data collected from data subjects located in the European Economic Area (EEA) is stored in Germany. It is not transferred outside the EEA.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change, revise or otherwise modify this Privacy Policy at any time and in any way (for example, in response to changes in legal, technical or business events). When we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will update the Effective date above. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use or share your personal information, we will publish a new privacy policy on this pag. If we make any material changes that retroactively impact the way in which we use or disclose personal information already collected from you, we will seek your consent before those changes become effective.

Please periodically check this page for any modifications, changes or amendments.

Contact information

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or about our use of your personal information, then you may contact us at:

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